Tuesday 26 June 2012

Finally some videos!

Thank you for waiting so patiently for these. I  hope you enjoy them and that they give you a little bit of a feel for our trip.

                                       This is the view from the balcony the third floor shared.

The Promenade Gardens

The statue of Gandhi

The rain!

May is the start of their rainy season.  On this morning we had about 15-20 minutes of intense rain.  An hour later it was all dried up, clear blue sky and sunshine.  Oh, if only it worked that way in Vancouver.  In the last 90 days we have had rain for 45 of them.  The joke is that it is "June-ary"!

Thursday 14 June 2012

Give me this short intense rain over "June-ary"

Here is the video I promised.  I hope it works.  The rain there beats the grey, dismissal, dreary June skies of Vancouver in June-ary!

The video will come.  I have tried but I can't upload directly from my computer and have to try to get it on You-Tube first.  The rain is spectacular and loud.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Temporarily Suspended - will be back to my other blog

Unfortunately my journey to my country was not quite as I'd had hoped and wished for.  There were no young, single children available, a few sibling groups with 4/5 year olds, and then only a few older children.  I knew going down there were no children under three but had opened my heart to a 4 or 5 year old.  I did meet an absolutely delightful and very sweet older girl who I am trying to get more information on.  I spent quite a bit of time with her over my last days there and there is a real connection.  Any information from the country is very slow to come given the experiences of other families who have been waiting for five months for rather simple documents!   Thus there are a number of "p" words that continue to be required or followed or held on to.  Patience, perseverance, persisitance, perspective, passion, process (belief in it) and progress (I'd hoped to make some).  One thing abunduntly clear to me and I think many others in the process of international adoption is the lack of "P"redicatability and the need for the process not to "P"reoccupy one and one's life. 

From my experience, it seems many children are temporarily and voluntarily put into care by their families and thus obviously not available for adoption.  The system is wonderful for families in the country as there doesn't seem to be any negative views around this but makes it very difficult for those of us trying to adopt.  Imagine somebody in the developed, western world walking into an office and saying,  "I'm out of work, I don't have a place to live, I want to find a job and get back on my feet. Please can you look after my kids for a while?" 

I have a few videos of some spectacular rainstorms and will try to post these soon when I have time to figure it out.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

What to do now?

I have been home a week and can't stop thinking about the child I met.  She is older than I have been approved for in my homestudy but a real sweetheart.  I talked to the director of the agency in Ontario today and am waiting for the agent in my country to try and find out more information about this very special little girl.  I found the quote below on another blogger's blog today.  She found it on Pinterest.  It kind of speaks to where I am at at the moment.
Source: Pinterest